

This privacy policy (this “Privacy Policy”) sets out the privacy policies and practices for Design For Movement LLC with respect to how Design For Movement LLC collects personal information. It also describes how Design For Movement LLC maintains, uses, and discloses personal information. This Privacy Policy applies to information collected from you by Design For Movement LLC via this website. This Privacy Policy also sets out how you can access certain information that Design For Movement LLC may collect about you. In this Privacy Policy, “personal information” means information or opinion about an individual whose identity is apparent or can be reasonably ascertained from the information or opinion as further defined under applicable privacy laws, including, but not limited to, Your Contacts and other personal information collected through the Services.

Please note that the Sites may contain links to other third party websites that are not controlled or operated by Design For Movement LLC. This Privacy Policy does not apply to such third party websites, and Design For Movement LLC is not responsible for the content of such third party websites or the privacy practices of such third parties. Therefore Design For Movement LLC encourages you to request and review the privacy policies of any third parties before disclosing your personal information to such parties or when visiting such third party website. This Privacy Policy also sets out how you can access certain information that Design For Movement LLC may collect about you. In this Privacy Policy, “personal information” means information or opinion about an individual whose identity is apparent or can be reasonably ascertained from the information or opinion as further defined under applicable privacy laws, including, but not limited to, Your Contacts and other personal information collected through the Services.

Please note that the Sites may contain links to other third party websites that are not controlled or operated by Design For Movement LLC. This Privacy Policy does not apply to such third party websites, and lululemon is not responsible for the content of such third party websites or the privacy practices of such third parties. Therefore Design For Movement LLC encourages you to request and review the privacy policies of any third parties before disclosing your personal information to such parties or when visiting such third party websites.


Ut cursus nisi ultrices, ultrices est non, ornare orci. Morbi rhoncus ullamcorper laoreet. Sed vel ex quam. Aenean imperdiet enim ac mi convallis, ac pretium odio lacinia. Sed purus neque, dictum eu quam ut, interdum iaculis erat. Sed lobortis mollis magna vel feugiat. Sed quis enim a magna interdum tincidunt. Quisque consequat nunc quis tempus facilisis. Vivamus ullamcorper, diam nec pretium imperdiet, metus odio sodales mi, ac iaculis felis tellus et quam. Sed consectetur risus non tellus cursus lobortis. Ut iaculis, neque vitae consequat luctus, lectus est vestibulum ligula, vitae sagittis nunc metus sit amet lorem. Donec aliquet elit a massa lobortis, tempor vulputate eros ullamcorper. Vestibulum aliquet neque mauris, vel fermentum erat tristique ut. Nunc in ligula leo.

Suspendisse eu nisi at metus condimentum aliquam vitae id eros. Duis et tortor urna. Morbi feugiat nibh at purus rutrum, at porta quam fringilla. Integer eros ante, venenatis sit amet leo a, tincidunt consequat sapien. Pellentesque cursus finibus ex, commodo pellentesque nisl pellentesque sed. Nunc sit amet hendrerit quam. Etiam sed aliquet lectus, sed fermentum augue. Proin et tellus ac tortor consequat tincidunt ut ut leo. Pellentesque ipsum nulla, pharetra feugiat mauris et, tincidunt imperdiet nisi. Nam vitae sapien sodales nunc viverra molestie. Curabitur quis augue eros. Vestibulum massa urna, sagittis id arcu vulputate, dictum luctus augue. Sed sit amet auctor metus. Maecenas et enim convallis, hendrerit ipsum id, mattis orci. Nunc tempor mauris id dolor elementum, quis pellentesque augue suscipit. Vestibulum lacus tellus, hendrerit eu leo in, mattis ornare risus.